Filtering by: Saturday September 24

TootArd Live in Toronto
8:30 PM20:30

TootArd Live in Toronto

From the occupied Golan Heights to Toronto – TPFF is excited to present the TootArd! Brothers Hasan & Rami Nakhleh’s latest musical journey is a nostalgia inspired homage to synthed-out Arabic disco pop, and melancholic songs of freedom. Join the Toronto Palestine Film Festival as TootArd electrifies Adelaide Hall’s stage on September 24th, 2022. Get your tickets today - they will go fast!


Providing the inspiration for ‘Migrant Birds’, the recent album from TootArd, the band’s new sound is a captivating and nostalgia-inspired homage to the era of synthed-out Arabic disco pop. While inspired by the pioneering musicians that electrified contemporary Arabic music with synthesizers and electric guitars, the 80s, with glittering, carefree vibe may be the catalyst, but the real roots of the music run deeper.

Under the beats and the joy, there’s a dark contrast, a sorrow that casts its shadow across the lyrics. Yet, the solemnity also creates a melancholic feeling to soothe boiling emotions, sad love songs that facilitate one's' understanding of the struggle. Notably, it’s also a strong and intriguing departure from the band’s iconic guitar-driven desert blues and mountain reggae iconised in their 2019 Glitterbeat release ‘Laissez Passer’.

The album’s core is based on a simple idea – freedom; the freedom to be a Migrant Bird that can fly away. But perhaps that’s a tough feat for people who remain officially “undefined” and stateless. Those who are born in the occupied Golan Heights – like the Nakhleh brothers – have no passport, a situation that has existed since the late 1960’s when Israel occupied the region.

While proudly rooted in the Middle East, Migrant Birds has become an infectious and globally accessible sound. The Nakhleh brothers hope that one day, TootArd will be free to fly away wher ever they choose. Until then, though, the Migrant Birds can fill the dancefloors.

TootArd in the Media

“TootArd are great fans of Touareg music - another stateless people - as well as Arabic classical and from this mix they conjure up some catchy riffs with guitars, sax and well-judged drumming. ****”


“A love letter to the PSR-62 Oriental, the synthesiser whose quarter tones and popping drum sounds fuelled 1980s dance floors from Beirut to the Gulf.”**** ”



Kazdoura is a Toronto based music group that presents Arabic fusion. The project was founded by Leen and Johnny in the summer of 2020. It started as performing some of the Arabic classics, but in a modern and re-invented style. Instagram YouTube Spotify

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Transplant Seeing: A Exploratory Walk with Vince Rozario
5:15 PM17:15

Transplant Seeing: A Exploratory Walk with Vince Rozario

On a burning planet, foraging and maintaining relationships of reciprocity with neighbours, friends, flora, fungi, and bacteria may be our only way through. Nurturing kinship with “invasive” plants growing in degraded lands, vacant lots and unexpected alleyways offers important lessons toward integrating the natural world in “unnatural” settings.

As part of Ishtar’s Network of Feral Gardens this year, SAVAC commissioned Meech Boakye and Christina Kingsbury’s “Transplant Field Guide”. This text provides insight on a number of species deemed “invasive” across Turtle Island, and provides alternative modes of knowing, understanding, and being in relation to them. Guided by Boakye and Kingsbury’s Field Guide, we will consider what forms of life exist in spaces which we otherwise view as barren, form relationships with them, learn from them, and reciprocate with gratitude and curiosity.

TPFF thanks the South Asian Visual Arts Centre (SAVAC) for their colloberation and sharing their exhibition with TPFF audiences.

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TPFF Youth: Palestinian Comics Workshop with Nadia Shammas
2:00 PM14:00

TPFF Youth: Palestinian Comics Workshop with Nadia Shammas

Graphic novels are a popular form of storytelling - especially with youth fiction.  The series of expressive images are both art and story, which enthralls readers.  Curious about how comics can tell your own story?  TPFF invites our youth audience to join us for this free workshop to learn about great comics by Palestinians followed up by a zine-making lesson.  The workshop will be led by graphic novellist Nadia Shammas, author of Ms. Marvel comics among her many other works. 

Please use the registration link to register for one of the limited spots.  Priority will be given to registered youth participants - unclaimed spots will be opened to general audience.  Parents of younger participants should accompany children that may require assistance.

Nadia Shammas is a Palestinian-American author from Brooklyn, NY, now living in Toronto, ON. She is best known for being the writer and co-creator of SQUIRE, an award-nominated YA Middle Eastern fantasy graphic novel, co-created with Sara Alfageeh. She's also known as the writer of MS MARVEL: STRETCHED THIN, as well as other Marvel and DC Comics projects. Her work often focuses on identity, memory, and decolonizing genre tropes. Her upcoming eldritch horror graphic novel, WHERE BLACK STARS RISE (co-created with Marie Enger) is set to release this October 2022 from Tor Nightfire. When not writing or reading manga, she's drinking coffee and trying to win the love of her cats, Lilith and Dash.

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TPFF Behind the Scenes: Animation with Ahmad Saleh
12:00 PM12:00

TPFF Behind the Scenes: Animation with Ahmad Saleh

Filmmaker Ahmad Saleh has moved audiences around the world with his stunning stop-motion animated films.  These beautiful creations are the result of pain-staking techniques he uses to bring shapes to life, and characters we fall in love with.  TPFF is pleased to take audiences behind the scenes with Ahmad who will share how he turns his imagination into award-winning film. The conversation will be live online and all ages are welcome to join. A Q&A with Ahmad will follow. 

Ahmad’s latest film Layl (Night) will be screening in theatre and online on Saturday September 24 at 4pm with feature film Foragers. 

Ahmad Saleh is an Academy Award-winning writer, director, and art director. His unique storytelling voice is inspired by his engineering studies in the West Bank. Winning a young writers award in Palestine encouraged Ahmad to leave engineering and pursue a career in filmmaking instead. His debut film, ‘House’ (2012), came runner up in the German Short Film Awards, and his second film, ‘Ayny’ (2016), won a Golden Medal at the Student Academy Awards. His third short film is ‘Night’, had its world premiere at the Locarno Film Festival.

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